Partner Spotlight: How SmartRecruiters put training and onboarding in the hands of their customers
No two companies have the same recruiting processes. For SmartRecruiters, that means their customers use their software in dramatically different ways. Jared Best, SmartRecruiter’s director of business and strategy consulting, wanted to help customers tailor their implementation and training processes to those unique needs.
In this webinar, you’ll get the behind-the-scenes story of how Best’s team used Pendo Adopt for Partners to launch SmartTips, a premium offering that puts the power of Pendo’s in-app guides and analytics in their customers’ hands, so they could handle training in whichever way works best for their organization.
Learn how the SmartRecruiters team:
- Built the business case for implementing Adopt for Partners
- Enabled sales and supported product launches
- Closed perceived gaps in their platform
- Helped customers realize quicker ROI on their SmartRecruiters investment
- Established an entirely new and differentiating revenue stream
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