AI built for growth, not gimmicks

Put an end to tedious tasks and get right to insights with Pendo AI. Powered by the world’s largest set of product engagement data.

AI is at the heart of Pendo One

Deeply understand customers
Pendo AI sorts, analyzes, and suggests ideas from user feedback so you can build and launch the right products, the first time.
Fine-tune digital experiences
Find workflow friction with proactive insights. Use AI recommendations to guide users through the path of least resistance.
Communicate in clicks
Quickly ideate, create, and translate in-app guides everywhere your users get stuck, and in every language they speak.

What's inside Pendo AI
Cut weeks of sorting with automatic feedback analysis.
Speed up guide creation, from new user onboarding to feature walkthroughs.
Journey insights
Drill into user workflows, uncover issues, and improve conversions.
Data standardization
Centralize and clean qualitative data from .CSV files, third-party tools, and Pendo Listen.
Content localization
Translate in-app messaging across 79 languages (and counting) in a few clicks.
Suggested replays
Uncover hidden gems within your visual data to contextualize user behaviors.
Suggested ideas
Surface hidden gems from visual data to understand user behaviors.
NPS insights
Understand key themes from NPS data with machine-learning models with third-party LLMs.

Das können Sie unternehmen

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How leaders like you use Pendo AI

What's happening with Pendo AI

You can’t outgrow Pendo AI

To truly transform your product organization, you need AI models built uniquely for you—not generic, off-the-shelf tools. That’s why we crafted Pendo AI around every click, swipe, poll response, feedback request, and guide view collected from the 10,000 companies that use Pendo.*

*Sehen Sie sich unsere KI-Vertrauensprinzipien an und erfahren Sie, wie wir Kundendaten schützen.

800 million

Personen, die täglich mit Pendo installierte Anwendungen verwenden

24 billion

Täglich erzeugte eindeutige Datenpunkte

20 trillion

Gesamtzahl der Datenpunkte, die unsere KI-Modelle antreiben

See Pendo AI for yourself

Legen Sie los mit Pendo und sehen Sie, was wir für Ihr Unternehmen tun können.


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