Pendo for Microsoft Dynamics 365

Create a custom dashboard for your payroll and more

Personalize onboarding and support for your employees in any Dynamics 365 app.
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Understand how employees use Dynamics 365 with Pendo.

Bessere Entscheidungen treffen
Use data to understand where friction points lie and take actions that drive revenue growth.
Onboard your teams
Guide your teams with step-by-step guides right inside the platform. Reduce training time and help new employees become productive faster.
Guide your employees
Give employees helpful tips, tricks, and support in the app, supporting them through complex tasks and enhancing overall efficiency.
See how your app gets used
Discover which features are most and least used, and optimize your Dynamics instance to improve the employee experience.
Keep your people productive
Identify and fix any problems fast. Spot inefficiencies to ensure sure your team stays productive.
Blog post

How Essity is using Pendo to transform its professional hygiene business

Möchten Sie sich selbst davon überzeugen?

Schedule a custom demo have an expert show you simple but powerful ways Pendo can help improve your use of the platform
Meine Demo buchen
Not ready to talk to sales? Explore the product on your own with a self guided tour.
Explore Pendo for employees