Catch Pendo at Dreamforce 2024
San Francisco, September 17-19 | Booth 607 in the Campground
The power of
Pendo + Salesforce
Pendo is sponsoring Dreamforce! We’ll be in San Francisco Sept. 17-19 hosting sessions, holding demos, and talking about the future of intelligent Digital Adoption Platforms (iDAP).
Stop by booth #607
Swing by the Campground to say hello to the Pendo team and to grab a custom fortune from Zoltar, our animatronic iDAP fortune teller.
Swing by the Campground to say hello to the Pendo team and to grab a custom fortune from Zoltar, our animatronic iDAP fortune teller.

Connect with a member of our team to learn how Pendo can help you get the most out of your Salesforce instance by:
- Providing visibility into user behavior
- Drive bottom-line growth by optimizing workflows
- Ensuring employee adoption of process and data quality
- Lending cross-app insights to learn how employees use Salesforce with other apps
We’ll also be hosting
- Pendo demos at the top of the hour, every hour
- 1:1 meetings with the Pendo team
- 20-minute theater sessions with Brian Walsh, Senior Vice President of Product @ Pendo
Pendo and Salesforce in action
Learn how Pendo helps companies optimize their employee workflows on Salesforce and improve compliance, employee onboarding,and productivity with analytics and AI.
Check out these resources to learn more.
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